вторник, 11 февраля 2014 г.

Process of the project.

                     Process of the project.
The idea came from the presentation which our teacher made about festivals.We didn't know what Halloween was like,or what was cheese rolling festival or orange festival and we were very interested.We wanted to improve our language skills and learn about each festival more.As Christmas was coming and it is loved by everybody we decided to make a project about this holiday and see difference between these two countries.
       We were divided into 2 groups.One group had to find information on British Christmas on the internet and make a blog.One group had to take part in this holiday,visit the church and interview the priest.We searched the information on British Council Website,collected pictures of British and Georgian Father  Christmas,Christmas meals,Christmas cracker,pudding,Christmas tree in the capitals of Georgia and Britain.We also found information on the most popular presents in Britain.We found some comments of British children about Christmas,how they decorate Christmas trees and what they eat at Christmas,how they entertain.On  December 23 the teacher let us get into the computer room and we worked on the website pimpampum/net.bubblr.Our pictures are saved in the archive.Then we began to make a power-point presentation.On 28 December 5 children went to church for an interview with the priest in our village.He didn't let us video this talk ,but he let us record it.He talked about what Christmas meant.We have this interview shortened on our blog.
      January 6,11 o'clock.On Christmas Eve every Christian light a candle in the window in Georgia.This means that we call mother virgin in our houses.
   On January 7 all the priests,parishioners and churchwardens parade through the streets to collect sweets and money for charity.This is called "Alilo".We went to town to take part in  Alilo.The priest threw consecrated water in the streets.One of us was permitted to put the uniform of a churchwarden and he delivered icons to people in the streets together with the priests.
        In January we made a blog.At the end of January we made British pudding and Georgian Christmas desert "gozinaki".We also decorated Christmas tree.At last the day of the presentation came and on January 28 we made a presentation in school.We invited the principle,the depute principle,our classmates some of our schoolmates.We presented pudding and gozinaki to our guests and tasted them together.Then we sang "Jingle Bells".We have used websites and pictures of our working process on our blog.
    At the end of the project we did self-assessment rubric.
         I know                                       I want to know                                              I learnt
Christmas is on January 7  in               How British celebrate Christmas.                Making pudding.Creating
 Georgia and on December 25            What they eat and how to cook.                 a blog.Making presentat-
 in Britain.Santa clause.It is an               How churchwardens celebrate                  ion.British council website
 orthodox holiday.                                 this holiday.How to make blog.                 pimpampum/net.bubblr.
                                                                                                                             How Brits celebrate
                                                                                                                             between our and British

Interview with the priest.

On December 28 Nino,Zakro, Mzia,Nika and Vakho paid a visit to the priest in our village.The priest talked about Christmas.We recorded the interview.He said that Christmas is an Orthodox holiday.It means that Christ was born from a virgin.He came to the earth to survive a human from devil,to bring a human to the paradise.He was brought up among people and he learnt people's problems.He made mysteries,cured the sick and the blind.But in the end people killed him.Christ was killed to survive people from the Hell.
This is a short variant of his talk.

четверг, 30 января 2014 г.

Project:Christmas in Britain and in Georgia.

Authors of the project:Tamuna Mshvidobadze,Mzia Okropiridze,Sopo Ambrosashvili,Nino Khosruashvili,Mamuka Kabulashvili,Nika Khosruashvili,Vakho Maziashvili,Zakro Mshvidobadze.

Christmas can mean different things to different people.
For many people it means eating a lot and spending time with family and visiting relatives and friends.For children it means presents,presents and more presents.

In Britain Christmas is celebrated on December 25.On this day it is common to send Christmas cards and presents to friends.It is traditionally time for giving money to charities.Now they send Christmas greetings by e-mail or via Facebook.Popular presents for young people in UK in recent years include a smart phone, a Playstation Move and retro station.
At christmas people cover trees with shiny balls and flashing lights in the streets and at homeThey  hang milk chocolates wrapped in colourful foil.
This is the popular Christmas tree in London.

Father christmas travels through the sky on a sleigh and delivers presents to children.How does he enter children's houses?Via the chimney ,of course!
Christmas dinner is usually eaten at midday or early afternoon.It traditionally includes roast turkey,vegetables and potatoes.Desert is rich,fruity cake called pudding.Traditionally a Christmas cracker is placed to each person.When you pull the cracker with the person next to you ,you hear aloud bang!And a paper hat,a joke and a small gift fall from the cracker.You have to were a hat,tell the joke to the other people at the table and keep the gift.
Snow at Christmas is part of British culture.You often see it on Christmas cards, you can buy fake snow to decorate your house and there are even songs about snow at Christmas.People can bet if it will snow or not on 25 December at betting shops around the country.
    What does Christmas mean for British children?There are lots of comments from young Brits.For example,15 year old Charlie from Canterbury writes:"I think it's time for the whole family to get together and enjoy being with each other."_Charlie,15,Canterbury.
 And finally at Christmas in Britain everyone goes shopping to buy things for friends and themselves.

                                   Christmas in Georgia.

What about Christmas in Georgia.Georgian people celebrate Christmas on January 7.People decorate Christmas trees,cook meals,and go to churches.To find out what Christmas means,we went to church for an interview with the priest.
    If British people have Santa clause,we have Tovlis babua.He is not dressed in red.He is dressed in grey,and he brings presents to children at New year's eve.He puts them under the Christmas tree.Every child loves Tovlis babua.  

We cook "satsivi,roast piglet,gozinaki,and churchkhela at Christmas.

   Georgians have a tradition of "Alilo".This is a parade on January 7.After night liturgy at noon the bishop,priests ,churchwardens and parishioners go along the streets and gather money and sweets for charity.The priests throw  water onto the streets.
  And one more tradition is lighting a candle  in windows of every house.At 11 o'clock on January 6 people light a candle to call Mother Virgin in there homes.

среда, 22 января 2014 г.

საშობაო ტრადიციები დიდ ბრიტანეთში

დიდ ბრიტანეთში  შობა 25 დეკემბერს აღინიშნება
 ბრიტანული საშობაო სადილის აუცილებელი შემადგენელი ნაწილია შემწვარი ხორცი, ინდაური ან ...